Product Specifications
Product Adaptability
The SZR and SZQ series products are suitable for public buses, passenger buses, and tourist buses with a roof curvature radius of 6–72 meters and a length of 8–13 meters. SZR is recommended for public buses, high-end passenger buses, and tourist buses, as well as buses operating in areas where the ambient temperature exceeds 42°C. SZQ is recommended for economy-class public buses, mid-range passenger buses, and tourist buses, but not recommended for use in areas with ambient temperatures higher than 42°C.

Tel:021-52630 4750
Address:No.2059 zhuanxing road xinzhuang industrial park, shanghai
Copyright © 2024 SONGZ Automobile Air Conditioning Co., Ltd. 沪ICP备05007211号
Customer service contact information
Service Time:9:00-18:00
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